Hello Guys, As we all know good appearance is main factor of attracting people, By good theme your visitors can be your regular users, Same what I found that you can tell browser to customize there display.

Chrome browser tab color

Modern browser are having more advanced in looking and after Chrome version 39, We can also change its tab color. It is Called as meta theme color its code is simply a meta tag which is entered in websites HTML Between <Head> and </head> Section.

In this Article I will tell you How to change chrome title bar color. If My blog's theme is not changed then you can see a pink address bar matching the theme color for this i have used following code.

<meta name="theme-color" content="#FF627D">

 Here #FF627D can be replaced by your own color code which you can easily find it at Rgbtohex.net.
also one more thing is that if you are using this code in XML themes sites like blogger then a "/" before ">" to avoid Error parsing xml.

For Blogger Users Enter this Code

<meta content='#FF627D' name='theme-color'/>

Alright Guys For Some Users it have there meta theme color not working there possibly many reasons they are discussed below .

Meta theme-color not working (Solved):

  • Firstly, Enter the meta theme color code just below the head section means after starting of <head> because browsers read the css first and after then java script, If browser has not find tag at starting it would not reflect change.
  • If Chrome did not find valid certificate from your website then also meta theme color will not work. (Not for Blogger Users)
  • You can also check by adding "/" before ">" like above.
  • If you are using wrong HEX code or White color code .
  • Check your website at other platform, different devices. if then also problem continued try to add these meta tags also.

How to change meta theme color in blogger

Changing chrome background color in android is very easy , before proceeding copy the chrome background color changing code and then follow steps :
  • Sign in into your blogger and open your blog .
  • Go to option "theme" under "Layout".                                                                                             
    how to change the tab bar color on google chrome
  • Click on the button "edit html".                                                                                                        
    how to change the color of address bar in google chrome
  • Now paste the copied code and replace #FF627D with your own color code
Note: If You do not know your HEX color code then simply take snapshot of your website and open it in Ms paint application, after this use dropper tool and choose your color, and next click on "edit color" and find RGB value. remeber it and go to any RGB to HEX converter and enter details to get color code.

Change Chrome tab color

Over to you 

I hope that you have feel the magic by changing chrome browser background color of your website, also let me see your website, If you liked this post then share it on social media and comment down if you want any support.

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